Electrochemical Corrosion & Polishing Equipment
Electrochemical Corrosion & Polishing Equipment
Electrochemical Corrosion and Polishing Equipment is an instrument to prepare the metallographic specimen by electrochemical process in laboratory. It could be used in metallographic specimen corrosion, like polishing.
Electropolishing, also known as electrochemical polishing, anodic polishing or electrolytic polishing (especially in the metallography field). Electrochemical process removes material from a metallic workpiece. It is used to polish, passivate, and deburr metal parts.
One of the benefits of electropolishing in lab is that during the process, the metallographic specimen is immersed in a temperature-controlled bath of electrolyte, which can etch the samples. Some specimens can be directly observed in microscope without further process. The process does not cause mechanical deformation of surface layers observed with mechanical polishing, it would be more reliable on observation.